Wednesday 3 October 2007

Continuous Integration

Early feedback for quality assurance

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently; usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. This approach can lead to reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.

Build automation

Just building your application is relatively easy using a IDE : Decide whether you want a debug or a release build, and then select Build Solution or Rebuild Solution from the Build menu in for example Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET). But the manual approach is not sufficient for a project of any reasonable size. If you’re working with other developers, for example, you need to remember to get the latest pieces from your source code control system before building. You might also have unit tests to run through, documentation to update, and so on. The problem with attempting to put all the pieces together by hand is that people tend to forget things. This is where an automated build tool can be helpful with for example Nant or MsBuild.

Continuous integration

If daily builds are good, then even more frequent builds are better. After all, the sooner you spot a problem in a build, the sooner you can get to work fixing it. The logical extension of this line of reasoning is to rebuild your application every time anyone checks a change into your source code control system. This is where continuous integration (CI) steps in.

Continuous integration (CI) in that perspective is a technique to ensure the quality a software product during development where all the necessary assets of the product to build an application are under version control.

In order to integrate CI in your development process you make use of a CI application. This application monitors your source code control repository for check-ins. When it detects an updated file, it gets the current code, instructs to build the project, and look for failures. With instant feedback via e-mail or a web page, it can help you be sure that no one has accidentally checked in untested code.

Introducing CI is not only a technology implementation but also requires soft skills CI demands a certain discipline of the developer and project/team leaders to make CI give its benefits. The developer may not check in untested code and all the team members must interpret the reports generated by the CI application and do something with it if required (build failure, code complexity, etc.)

The CI process consists of the following steps:

  • SourceControl system monitoring
  • Building
  • Unit testing
  • Coverage Analysis
  • Static Code Analysis
  • Documentation Generation

These steps (some are optional) are executed by the CI build server every time a modification is detected in the source code. Each of these steps produces data, which is stored in a repository. A project portal is used to present these data items, in various reports.

All artifacts in order to build a working software product should be put into a source control system like Visual SourceSafe. The CI process that runs on the build server continuously scans the source control system for changes, and starts the build process as soon as a change is detected. The build server gets the latest version of the code base, and builds the software in one or more configurations. If the build fails, the build process is aborted and the build is considered to be broken. A broken build is a serious situation within CI, which should be remedied as soon as possible.

If the build succeeds, the other CI steps will be performed and eventually the build output will be copied to a drop location.

Unit testing and Code coverage analysis

The CI environment will run a set of specified unit test on the build server, each time integration of new functionality takes place. During these unit tests, code coverage is measured and registered by the build server. Code coverage provides developers and testers with information about what code is touched when a test is run. The results of the unit tests and the coverage analysis metrics are published on the project portal.

Static Code Analysis and Code metrics

Static code analysis checks code for conformance to the Design Guidelines and/or naming guidelines. The CI environment can perform Static Code Analysis on the build server, every time new functionality has been checked in to source control. A software metric is a measure of some property of a piece of software or its specifications. Tools can gather some code metrics on basis of the source code. These metrics can be used to track some aspects of your code that can influence some software quality aspects : maintainability, readability, etc.

Documentation Generation

The CI environment can automatically generate documentation during the build process. This is usually technical documentation that describes the internal structure of the application, such as classes and data structures. For example Ndoc or DoxyGen.

CI output

The CI environment will publish all the outcomes of the different workflows on a portal and can inform interested parties about the build outcome.


So the main purpose of CI is the early detection of integration issues and furthermore is quality improvement measure.

  • CI can help you measure cyclomatic complexity, code duplication, dependencies and coding standards so that developers can proactively refactor code before a defect is introduced.
  • If a defect is introduced into a code base, CI can provide feedback soon after, when defects are less complex and less expensive to fix.
  • CI provides quick feedback, via regression tests, on software that was previously working and is adversely affected by a new change.
But you need to understand that CI is more than a technology. It requires some discipline from the developers and involvement of project management. Running CI without doing something with the information will not improve the quality of your software application. Meaning that somebody has to watch the builds and care when they are broken. Furthermore the developer must "fix" any broken CI builds.

Sources and recommened reading


Unknown said...

It’s a very useful & qualitative information shared on Continuous integration testing. Indeed a nice share.
Keep it up! :)

Richard Majece said...
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